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Ganoderma Has No Effects

Why Ganoderma Has “No Effects”

In general, after consuming one bottle, one may feel its effects. If you tak it continuosly, it will improve your health. However, some people may experience no effects at all. The reasons are listed below.

  1. It was not taken at definite time, or the recommended dosage was not followed.
  2. Stop using when the “Opposition effect reaction” occurred.
  3. Diet, exercise and style of living did not conform
  4. Illness has lasted too long or too many chemical drugs have been used. The toxins within the body can not be fully discharged.
  5. The severity of the illness varies after beginning treatment. Patients lose their confidence, so they stop taking. When the disease has not been completely cured there will be an oscillating phenomena, but pain may lighten little by little. Continue to use.
  6. Psychological factors: Accept others suggestions to stop taking.

What people say

Let’s hear from those who have benefited after consuming DXN’s Ganoderma

Mavis Lincoln – Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hi!  I’m Mavis Lincoln.


Here’s my story:

I stood speechless as my sister’s bad news slowly sank into my shocked brain.  “Mum has been given 2 days to live”, Verna said. “Get all the family down to Brisbane Women’s Hospital”.  We drove through the night and Mum passed away 2 days later.   She had just turned 53.

My mother had undergone a radical mastectomy of her right breast, and in less than 2 months it had beaten her.  The Brisbane doctors admitted that she should never have been subjected to the month of radiation.  It had really weakened her immune system.  Many believed then, and still do, that when cancer cells are cut and exposed to air, they spread.  The post mortem report described a “galloping cancer” throughout many parts of her body.

There was my other family history, of course.  Both my grandmothers had died of bowel cancer – one was 52; the other was 66. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins had also succumbed to various types of cancer, (one cousin with leukemia was only 34).  My younger brother became a fatality at age 55.

It was probably the day after my mother’s funeral that I made a definite decision that should I contract the disease, I would not submit to surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.  Each person, of course, must make his/her own personal decision.  Mum had desperately sought help from a prominent Brisbane alternative therapist during her radium treatment, but sadly, natural therapists were very hesitant back then to treat cancer.

The day I was introduced to Ganoderma in June 2004, was the same day my doctor had sent me for an ultrasound to investigate lower abdominal pain.  Since he was then on holidays, it was 2 weeks before I received the results.  The doctor carefully explained that for uterine cancer they would remove the uterus and I would not live long, or enjoy quality of life in the meantime. Conversely, if I did nothing, the result would be the same – not much of a choice!! Thankfully, he then acknowledged my right as a patient to choose my own path which he noted in records.  I signed a form releasing him from responsibility, and decided to increase my intake of Ganoderma.

Two subsequent scans at quarterly intervals showed very pleasing progress, as did the scan 14 months later.  This time the endometrium thickening was down from the original 6.3mm to 2.8mm (4mm is allowable for my post menopausal age).  Medically this is extremely rare.  Very importantly, the previously described tubular structure related to the endometrium was no longer apparent.  My doctor said, “I am very happy with this report”.

During this visit, though, the doctor reminded me that my last colonoscopy several years earlier, had shown pre-malignant polyps, and he ordered another colonoscopy. Very happily, this test was clear.

In 2008, my requested test report prompted my doctor to say, “I’m not sending you for further tests; there is just no need”.  Sometime later, my doctor moved interstate.

A few months ago, because of my family history and for my own ongoing peace of mind, I asked my new doctor for an updated test of the pelvic area.  The results were still excellent.

I feel very blessed, and I thank God that Ganoderma was available at the very time I so desperately needed it.  I continue to take Ganoderma for both future protection and for an amazing quality of life for my approaching 75 years.   –  Mavis Lincoln

Cathy Beldia – Philippines

“Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5”

Spared from Dialysis

A Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 — That’s what the doctor told me about my condition. My kidneys won’t be able to perform its normal function anymore. It was the most shattering news in my life.

My doctor said that there are two treatments available for me: dialysis or kidney transplantation. Both process cost a lot. But to have an immediate relief to my worsening condition was to undergo hemodialysis treatment.

Hemodialysis is not easy to endure. On January 2010 two tubes were embedded on the upper right side of my chest, allowing my blood to flow through the machine for filtering. The clean blood was then returned to my body. This procedure was designed to eliminate the harmful wastes and keep the proper balance of chemicals in my body. It was done twice a week. I have no choice but to go through the process again and again in order for me to survive.

The physical suffering can not equal with the emotional and mental torture I felt during that time. I never thought of having this kind of illness. I didn’t feel any warning signs. I thought that only old people will suffer this kind of disease, but I can’t believe that at 23 years old I am already into it. I wept and wished this was only a bad dream!

Then Marlene Formaran came along to introduce the DXN products. Even when undergoing dialysis, I took 10-15 pairs of RG/ GL capsules, 12 Spirulina tablets, 4-6 Cordyceps tablets plus glasses of Roselle Juice and Spica Tea per day. I felt comfortable taking them together with my medications.

After several days of continuously taking the products, I began to notice a change in my body’s reactions. Based from my last laboratory test, my creatinine level normalizes. Today, I am completely freed from the bondage of my illness. I could say, thanks to God, to my loving parents, to DXN and to all the people whose prayers had made me well

Mae Yap

“bronchial asthma”

The Price of Positive Outlook

Mae Yap, 56, is a survivor of her own fate. Since birth she had bronchial asthma that bothered her for a while. In 2000, upon her doctor’s recommendation, Ms. Yap decided to undergo medical workup because of her swollen womb. The result was Uterine Myoma, but “fortunately it was negative of cancer,” she says.

But in 2003, she noticed that the swelling came back again. This proved to be a serious case when “a piece of skin tissue was sloughed off from my breast,” Ms. Yap recalls. She consulted a specialist at the Philippine General Hospital. But this time the results were grim: She is suffering from Stage III Breast Cancer.

This is no ordinary story. Hearing the terrible news of her fate, Ms. Yap should be sulking, but she chose not to. She went on to get an operation in Singapore General Hospital. She was advised to undergo chemotherapy and radiation to fully recover.

Ever the optimistic, Ms. Yap used Reishi Gano and Ganocelium capsules, Spirulina Candy, and Morinzhi as food supplement. “I survived those days by drinking dissolved RG/GL, to be taken within 72 hours, even if I’m still in pain,” Ms. Yap says.

“I was bedridden and had Alcopecia; my hair started to fall out and used Ganozhi Shampoo,” Ms. Yap recalls. It wasn’t long until her hair went right back and grew steadily, just as her condition improved. “Just after a week of taking all DXN products, I was able to stand up alone and eat regularly on time,” she says.

A year after her operation, her continuous battle for survival is transcended to inspiring others with similar fate. “I am now a cancer survivor and a member of Cancer Survivors Association in Northern Mindanao Medical Center in Cagayan de Oro City, Misamiz Oriental,” she shares. This endeavor has taught her that despite the trials, there is hope in every end of it; what is needed is the belief on every possibility and strength to face challenges with faith and optimism.

Natividad Limson

Back to Her Prime After What Seems Like a Losing Battle

She has exuded that energetic aura for so long. Her family members have also been used to her appetite-full eating spree during meal time. That’s why it came as a big surprise to Naty’s kins when she became the reverse of her lively self.

Her skin gradually turned darker (hyperpigmenation) while her delight for food, even her favorites, was growing lower and lower each day. Worse, she’d occasionally cry over her painful flank. Other changes ensued day after day, that, to Naty’s relatives, were signs that nothing good should be hoped for anymore. In fact they thought she’d leave the world in no time.

But even with finances going on downward slope, Naty’s family members managed to have her undergo several medical tests and procedures. When they learned about the physician’s diagnosis, that’s when her loved ones understood the surprising changes Naty had gone through. Her creatinine level had increased, the medical report indicated. Simply put, her kidney was weakening or was not functioning well.

For nine months, Naty would regularly get face to face with hemodialysis – a machine that mimics the natural work of the kidney by filtering wastes from the blood and returning it clean to the body. For nine months, she’d ask herself when her condition would eventually be better. She took medicine that her doctor prescribed but they seem to work so slowly. Regular check-up results would accompany her homeward; feeling rather frustrated for her creatinine levels that won’t subside. She wished she had something more potent in reversing her poor physiological state.

“..she is grateful that finally, she doesn’t have to deal with the trouble that dialysis brings..”
And just as she hoped for, Naty got to know RG-GL and Spirulina. As suggested by DXN member Juanita Ballesteros, Naty kept a regimen of 3 pairs each of RG and GL, and 12 tablets of Spirulina, staggered in four different times in a day.

The regimen went on for days then for weeks. One day, Naty received her physician’s review of her condition; a surprisingly low level of creatinine was clearly printed on the white medical report. And surprisingly delightful even, Naty realized that she had maintained her RG-GL and Spirulina habit for just barely two weeks.

Naty is not regretful though that she had gotten introduced to DXN’s products not until after nine month. In fact she is grateful that finally, she doesn’t have to deal with the trouble that dialysis brings – both financially and physically.

The active turned sickly Naty has regained her healthy state – complete with that enthusiastic outlook in life, and a favorable fondness for eating. She is again in the pink of health – a state that she hopes to maintain even when her mane had already turned gray.

Gershon Seguro

Lessons from the Unexpected

Lessons from the Unexpected – The sun was about to set that busy afternoon. The long day is almost over; but Gershon Seguro has not the slightest idea that October 11, 2005 would welcome the night, albeit unusually, for him.

Gershon was almost at the tail of his itineraries for the day. He was readying himself for home when an uncanny feeling struck him: he seemed like a lit candle that’s slowly melting. While resting, hoping to ease out his strange feeling, doubts played on his mind. “Sir, 180/110” broadcasts a nurse-distributor who determined his blood pressure.

Gershon took five pairs of RG GL and swept the floor of his Service Center. His doubts turned to perplexity upon realizing that the left portion of his body was slowly growing numb.

Gershon got more bewildered when, on the way home from his office on the third floor, he could not anymore move his left leg. He felt the need to doze off when he got home but quickly changed his mind in fear of unanswered confusions in his mind brought about by his condition.

A physician at the ICU of Heart Center shed light on his queries at 9 PM – cerebral stroke had been weakening his system. “Had you gone much earlier, we could have given you initial relieving process” conveyed his doctor.

Gershon had to endure various changes: he requires wheelchair for moving; his jaws became unaligned after some time. He was breathing differently; “it was as if no air comes in or out of my nostrils because my nose grew numb as well.” On his third day in the ICU, he could no longer move any part of his body.

Confident on DXN products, Gershon maintained his RG GL regimen, only this time with increased dosage of 30 pairs a day, contents removed from capsules and mixed with water.

Gershon stayed in the ICU for seven days – far shorter than even the other patients who were admitted before him. For two months thereafter, he religiously maintained his 30-30 RG GL habit. His wife, thankfully, became the ultimate extension of his arms and legs – literally and figuratively, that is.

One day, Gershon surprised his physician of his fast recuperation. A practically speechless doctor welcomed a smiling patient, minus the wheelchair, and beaming with regained vitality. Although the doctor prescribed some drugs for his further healing, Gershon opted to put his confidence on the “cheaper, more potent” DXN products. “My blood pressure has stayed normal even without taking what my doc prescribed” he said.


Gershon admits to being a workaholic – a disposition he knew gave him stress, but which he thought could be alleviated by merrymaking with liquor and fat-rich foods. Diagnosed of hypertension even before his stroke attack, he ignored the medical advice of having his blood tested.

“When you are already bedridden, your family grows hungry because you can not attend to your responsibilities anymore; and all the things that you worked for suddenly may be squandered” he realized of his stroke attack.

Gershon now believes that being in virtually perfect health condition does not give one a passport to pushing his/her body beyond the healthy state. “Proper exercise, proper food intake, proper rest, and avoiding stress, coupled with faith along with action” says Gershon about one’s quest for optimum health.


Gershon and his attending physician are both witnesses to his (Gershon’s) unparalleled pace of recuperation, if he is to be compared with the seven other patients he has come to know at the ICU. “Only three, that includes me, where able to go home. I am the only one who can walk among us.” For this, he stressed his belief on the potency of RG GL: “The power of mushroom cannot be questioned because of my case. This incident proved further that our products are potent for conditions such as what I experienced.” Had it not been for his DXN supplement, “I would not have the stroke attacking gradually as I experienced, rather, just like in most cases, it could have been so sudden and swift.”

Kemp Pring

Purpose Born on A Second Chance

He was breathing rather differently when he was born. He was touted as a blue boy, whose abnormal respiratory rate gave him black lips whenever he cried. He would gasp for air shortly after he was given his much needed breastfed milk.

Kemp Pring had pains takingly undergone such complications for having two holes in his heart, made even worse by blocked ventricles – congenital disease that read Tetralogy of Fallot. in his medical record.

A year passed and doctors advised Vilma, the mother, that Kemp had to undergo heart surgery to save the life of her beloved. But financial limitations, as well as the toddler’s unhealthy state at the time, immediately saw the supposed operation’s constraints.

In preparation, however, Kemp had undergone medication for improving and strenghtening his body system. But colds and cough, and constant mucous in the ears were among the side effects that the kid had to succumb to.

Distributor Noel Bercasio learned about Kemp’s case and brough the good news of RG GL to Vilma. Having been to an unsuccessful attempt early on, the doing mother was skeptical and at the same time afraid to try another regimen on the frail body of her son, who then was five years old. But Noel was persistent and confident himself of the products that he finally lured Vilma to try RG GL. From one pair on the first ingestion, Kemp’s intake was gradually increased week after week.

With all the Risks Involved

Kemp showed signs of readiness for the operation after six months of taking the products. Gone were his coughmucous days. Doctor’s findings confirmed his healthy state. Physicians warned the anxious mother, though: Kemp’s going under the knife might leave his child’s life hanging by the thread. Divine intervention, they said, is a must. “I love my son. Do everything you can. I know he’ll susrvive,” was Vilma’s determined reply. The kid’s words made his mom even more positive. “I’ll be back mama, I know I can get through this.”

The ailing child spent a day at the ICU. The restless yet hopeful mother kept praying during the course of the operation: ” Lord, take my child if u must. But I know I did something for my child’s welfare, to fight off his ailment. I am confident that you will give me my son back.”

Vilma welcomed the following day with answered prayers, even with a few bonuses. Kemp was transferred to a provate room, with great signgs of stability after just 2 1/2 hours (8 supposedly, said the physician). He spent a day in the recovery room, two days shy of his supposed stay.

Vilma could not believe all those where happening, and so was Kemp’s attending physician, who learned from the now joyful mother about RG GL. The doctor, who expressed his amazement of the shild’s unusually strong body resistance for and fast recuperation period adfter the operation, “approved” of the regimen of the food supplement.

The exit doors of the Heart Center were opened on February 2, 2006 for Kemp and vilma with the doctor’s note on the child’s clinical abstract that read: “patient was noted to be stable, comfortable, and afebrile.”

Birth of Mission

Having witnessed the potency of RG GL, Vilma has set her mind to accomplishing yet another endeavor: “I do not want to use my education on something unproductive and untruthful. I have seen the good effects of the product to my child; I want to share its wonders with other people. If they eventually sign up as members, it will just be a bonus.”

Now I’m planning to promote DXN and its products to those whose family members have physical ailments – try the product and see how it might work with them.”

Ervin Bartolay

“…on ruptured internal organs, amputation, dropping red blood count and high blood-sugar level” 

Faster than expected

Ervin Bartolay was on his way to fetch his wife on a gloomy night of Feb. 2, 2004 when a tragic motorcycle accident happened that caused him heavy internal organ damages. His liver suffered the most with severe ruptures that caused internal bleeding.

On the brink of passing out, he was brought to the Ospital ng Makati after receiving first-aid from a military hospital at The Fort. There, findings showed that he had to undergo liver packing – a delicate surgical process to repair his ruptured liver.

After the operation, Ervin’s doctors required him to be confined in the hospital for a month to monitor his progress and ensure that he recovers from the damages caused by the terrible accident.

Barely able to talk, Ervin asked Ricky Alfaro, a DXN distributor, if he can start taking RG/GL with a strong belief that it would hasten his recovery.

Ricky immediately called up Dr. Danilo Sadsad, one of DXN’s accredited speakers who conducts Ganotherapy, and asked for advice. The good doctor said, as soon as his attending physician allowed him to take solid foods he can also begin with his RG/GL regimen.

With the green light on, Ervin right away started taking 10 pairs of RG/GL every morning, for the two weeks that he stayed in the hospital.

A remarkable development showed by X-ray results surprised both he and his doctor. His liver recovered in half the time expected, a remarkable development that prompted his doctor to consent his release from the hospital.

On the week following his confinement, he resumed networking while he decreased his RG/GL intake by five capsules each per day, which he later again reduced to two pairs after another couple of weeks.

He even started playing basketball within less than two months after the accident.

As it is known, Ganoderma’s natural components – polysaccharide, organic germanium, adenosine, triterpenoides and ganoderic essence – help detoxify the body, thus enhance the body systems’ function and promote cell regeneration.

Ervin maintains that since the accident, never had he felt any abnormalities in his bodies.

Disclaimer: The information contained on www.wikiganoderma.wordpress.com  should not be used to alter, or used as a substitute for medical therapy without your doctor’s advice. Individuals seeking relief from health conditions should seek the advice of a health practitioner.      

Q & A

Questions and Answers about Ganoderma

Q:  I am feeling hot flashes

A:  Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses)  to help eliminate TOXINS in the body and and eat fruits and vegetables with a high Vitamin C content to assist in the natural detoxification process. Remember to continue using Lingzhi.

Q: I am experiencing discomfort (as the body eliminates toxins.)

A: Reduce the daily intake by half.

Q: Why do I have to take both RG and GL?

A: RG and GL should be taken together for maximum results.

Q:  I am taking medication, can I take RG/GL?

A:  If you are taking medications, please continue to do so and consult with your medical practitioner to monitor your health, particularly those with blood pressure and blood sugar concerns. Only reduce your medications under the advice of a qualified health professional.

Q: What is my dosage?

A:  You may need to vary the daily intake depending on your state of health, constitution, or particular needs.  However, ganoderma is best taken in the morning with an empty stomach. Drinking more water will also help enhance the effects of Ganoderma by helping the body get rid of poisonous waste.

Q. Can I take ganoderma with my other medications

A. Yes. Ganoderma is a natural health supplement and there are no reported contraindications in over 2,000 years of study. Just leave a gap of one hour apart between taking medicines and Ganoderma herb.

Cancer patient can consume Ganoderma together with chemo therapy or radio therapy. Just leave one to two hours between taking Ganoderma and the therapy.

 Q. Can I stop my prescription medicines?

A.  No. You must continue your existing medication as prescribed by doctor. Do not discontinue any form of medication without doctor’s instruction.



-by Dr. Lim Siow Jin

What is Ganotherapy?

—Ganotherapyis a holistic (whole body) approach to alternative complementary medicine.

—It consists of four (4) observation theories used to explain how Ganoderma or Red Mushrooms support the human body to overcome health problems on its own.

Lingzhi helps our body to fight disease, because it balances and puts the body back in order by cleansing  toxins that has accumulated through the years. As a result, it fights diseases and heals itself in the process. Therefore, our body becomes its own healer. (Best doctor) because of the natural immune system.

Lingzhi addresses  almost all problems regarding health  in this modern times.

Four observation theories of Ganotherapy by Dr. Lim Siow Jin

1. Illnesses are caused by 2 sources: TOXINS in our body and DISHARMONY in body functions.


Air : smoking, second hand smoke, motor vehicle emissions. (lung cancer)

Food: food coloring (linked to ADHD), burned meat, fast foods, too much sweets (diabetes,) alcohol consumption, contaminated with pesticides.

Water: contaminated water

  • —Toxins in our body- Anything in excess or not needed by the body are toxins.
  • virus, bacteria, dust, smoke, bad cholesterol,
  • —contaminants from unfiltered drinking water,
  • —pesticides absorbed by fruits & vegetables,
  • —chemicals from toxic products and environment, etc.
—(Taking Ganoderma regularly eliminates the stored toxins in the body.)
—DISHARMONY in body functions – if the body is not functioning as it should, the body is in a state of IMBALANCE. This can be caused by stress, over-fatigue (lack of sleep or rest), lack of nutrients, physical trauma or injury that affect body organs and systems not to function properly causing untoward signs and symptoms

Just like the TOXINS, an IMBALANCE of the body or any of its organs (heart, brain, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas, etc.) can be  traced down to their cells, in which organs are made of. If there are cell imbalances, the body will have health problems.

2.  Ganoderma supports the body while the body takes care of its own.

3.  Any “reaction” that takes place is not caused by Ganoderma. It is caused by the body’s improving immune system reacting (during the natural healing process) to its disease.

4. The dosage of Ganoderma taken is irrelevant to disease. The “correct” dose of Ganotherapy is that which works for you.

Reaction and temporary reactions of Ganoderma

Ganoderma Reactions
  1. Symptoms disappear.
  2. Feel energetic
  3. Appetite increases, but body weight stabilizes.
  4. Sleep more deeply and soundly. Sleeping hours will be reduced but will wake refreshed.
  5. Improve elimination.

Temporary Reactions

Some people may experience temporary negative reactions after taking this herb for a few days. This is more obvious for those with serious chronic illnesses. And this is the most misunderstood aspect of this herb.

“The opposition effect reaction”:

A concept in Chinese medicine: the symptoms will become worse before they become better, because the causes of the diseases are being eliminated. After taking Ganoderma for three days, slight opposition effect reaction may result. It is not side effect. Please continue to use. It is just a result of its efficacy and the reaction will be diffetent for each individual.

Not everyone will experiencethis reaction, as it depends on the amounts of toxins in the body that are being eliminated. In general, one who has a hypertensive constitution, or who takes large amounts of chemical drugs will easily have such a reaction.

Sometimes, uriticaria may appear on the face or the body, or even in the mouth. Also one may have edema, diarrhea, stomachache, fever tinnitus, blood pressure variation and increased excertion. These are not side effects. Do not worry. Continue to use. The symptoms will lessen or disappear ver soon.

Some phenomena resulting from herbal medicine or alimentary therapeutics are considered as side effect of the drug. Actually when these symptoms occur the disease will be cured gradually. Someone even emphasized, “No opposition effect reaction, no cure.”


  1.  When an acidic constitution changes to an alkaline one, the toxic substances within the body are being discharged. At this moment, different reactions will appear, generally within 3-10 days. Symptoms vary from one to another for some they may be light, for other they may be more severe. It depends on one’s constitution. Then the symptoms have disappeared, one may feel very comfortable and energetic.
  2.  When the body constitution is acidic, blood will be turbid. Diseases will appear in different organs. Be sure you do not develop an acidic body constitution.

When a reaction is severe, the following symptoms could occur:

     Acidic constitution

  • Very sleepy, even in the day time
  •  Thirsty and dry mouth
  • Urination at night, after gas passage. 
     3.  For the following diseases, these reactions may occur only in the short period of                 time:
  •            Hypertension:  heaviness in the head which may last for 1-2 weeks.
  •                    Anemia:  nosebleeds for women.
  • Gastric disturbances:  heat in the chest, poor appetite
  •            Gastric ulcer:  pain
  •            Gastroptosis:  heavy feeling in the stomach, hiccough
  •            Enteropathy:  diarrhea
  •           Hepatopathy:   hiccough or vomiting
  • Cirrhosis of the liver:  blood stool
  •          Renal disease:  protein level may suddenly drop, slight edema in the face
  •                 Diabetes:  blood sugar may rise, slight edema in the hands and feet
  •           Hemorrhoids:  bleeding may occur occasionally

Reishi Gano and Ganocelium

Reishi Gano and Ganocelium

90 capsules of Reishi Gano(RG) and 90 capsules of Ganocellium(GL)

Price: $90.00

Reishi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence formulated from Ganoderma lucidum. It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as polysaccharides, adenosine, triterpenoids, protein and fibre.

The applied Ganoderma lucidum is harvested from a 90-day old red mushroom. Comes in capsule and powder forms, daily intake of Reishi Gano (RG) helps in normalizing the entire body functions and maintains the healthy well being.

Ganocelium(GL) is produced from a 18-day old mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum. The mycelium is rich in polysaccharides, adenosine, organic germanium, triterpenes, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

GL is effective in improving the general health of our body.

Like RG, Ganocelium® is also available in both capsule and powder forms.

Click here to learn more about the products

The RG and GL is 100% pure Ganoderma mushroom extract (Ganoderma Lucidium) and is widely known as the “king of the herbs.

The Reishi Gano and Ganocelium made by DXN are the finest available. The mushrooms are grown and processed under strict environmental controls at a state-of-the-art facility in Malaysia, and exported to countries throughout the world.

The Company holds all the major certificates for Quality Assurance and Environmental Management in manufacturing and processing. So you can be assured that when you do decide to try the DXN Ganoderma products, you’re choosing a highly concentrated and top-quality all-natural product, made by a Company that’s proud of its reputation.

Order now

For interested buyer click here…

DXN Ganoderma

DXN Ganoderma has fast become popular for its many health benefits. For many years the Chinese culture has considered Ganoderma mushroom as a high quality herbal medicine. And one of the biggest believers is Dr. Lim Siow Jin.

About the Company

The core business activities of DXN include cultivation, manufacturing and marketing of the health food supplements. Based in Malaysia with worldwide operation, the company is well-known for its Ganoderma business. Its product lines include dietary supplements, food and beverages, personal care products,skin care & comestic, household products and water treatment system. Since its inception in 1993, DXN has upheld its concept of ´One Dragon One World One Market and One Mind´. With this powerful concept, DXN has sailed through continuous growth over the years. On 30 September 2003, DXN Holdings Berhad was listed on the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia. (Stock Exchange).

About the founder

Dr. Lim has a deep interest in mushrooms and their relationship with human health. To understand this relationship better, Dr. Lim Siow Jin traveled far and wide in search of The King of all Herbs – Lingzhi. After more than twenty years of research and scientific analysis, Dr. Lim Siow Jin finally discovered Lingzhi – the king of herbs that would benefit all mankind.

Realizing the importance and the benefits of Lingzhi, Dr. Lim began sharing his knowledge about this miraculous herb with his friends, who were greatly impressed with its beneficial medicinal value. However, Dr. Lim didn’t stop there. He felt that he should form a company that would help more people know and derive the benefits of this miraculous herb. In 1993, Dr Lim’s dream came true when he established DXN.

Achievements & Awards of
Dr. Lim Siow Jin (DXN Founder)

   Dato´ Dr. Lim Siow Jin is the founder of DXN. Dato´ Dr. Lim graduated with a Bachelor of Technology degree in 1984 from the Indian Institute of Technology. In 1997, Dato´ Dr. Lim was conferred the Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Alternative Medicine by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine.

  • In 1997, conferred with Ph.D. in Holistic Medicine by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine.
  • In 2001, honored as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Chinese Youth of the Year by the Youth Association, Kedah, Malaysia.
  • In 2001, honored as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Chinese Youth of the Year by the Youth Association, Kedah, Malaysia.
  • In 2002, received the Millennium Award from the International Association of Educators for World Peace, in recognition of Dr. Lim’s commitment to promote world peace and goodwill through holistic health and dedication to advance a healthy, strong and socially developed society
  • In 2002, received the Physician of the New Millennium Award from the Alternative Medicine Research Institute (Canada), for Dr. Lim’s significant contribution to the health and well-being of humanity.
  • In 2002, received the Albert Schweitzer Award from the Positive Life Foundation, for his exemplary humanism, untiring peace promotion efforts, and for his compassion in the spirit of the late Albert Schweitzer, the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • In 2002, received the Certificate of Appointment as Senior Visiting Professor (Natural Healing and Ganotherapy) from the Open International University of Alternative Medicine.
  • In 2004, received the Mother Teresa International Award from the Mother Teresa International & Millennium Award Committee under the auspices of All India Minority and Weaker Sections Council.
  • In 2006, the Golden Earth Award was presented to Dato Dr. Lim Siow Jin by the International Institute of Health Sciences, India for his contribution to mankind and for taking care of Mother Nature.
  • In 2007, received the Gold Badge Award – “Global Quality Management” from the Trade Leaders’ Club and Editorial Office, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • In 2007, received the New Millennium Award trophy during the 28th International Award for Technology and Quality.
  • In 2009, has been honoured as the Honorary Advisor of Peace Society Worldwide. Peace Society Worldwide is a Global Civil Organization for Universal Peace & Harmony, and working for the promotion & inculcation of the ideas & principles of world peace, harmony, tolerance, non-violence, international understanding & co-operation in conjunction with United Nations and its various agencies.
  • In 2010, has been bestowed the Prominent Business Leader Award in the 2nd Prominent Business Leaders Award 2010. The award ceremony was held in the conference room of the “Great Hall of the People” in Beijing, China on June 6, 2010.

Reports from Japan

The Japanese medical field has conformed that Ganoderma has positive efficacy.

Physicians all over the world are concerned about high quality medicines. A new medical term “Adaptogen’ has been coined to indicate the specific effects of Ganoderma.

After long term research and experiments done by large Japanese hospitals and research institutes. Ganoderma’s positive effects have been confirmed in every respect, especially its hemocatharsis effect, i.e., improves a weak constitution, and enhances the immune system, It has an evident efficacy in treating diseases caused by poor circulation. It is helpful in maintaining health and healthy appearance. The Japanese medical field is surprised and has acknowledged its positive effects on the following diseases:

  1. hypertension and hypotension
  2. cardiac disease originating from hypertension and hematoma
  3. cerebral apoplexy, high blood sugar, blood vessel obstruction
  4. menopause disturbances, gynecological diseases.
  5. constipation, hemorrhoids
  6. chronic hepatitis
  7. urination difficulties, frequent urination
  8. gastric diseases, duodenal ulcers
  9. hypersensitivity, including nasal sensitivity and chronic catarrh
  10. chronic bronchitis, asthma
  11. arthritis, lumbago, rheumatism (after middle age)
  12. insomnia, lethargy, neurasthenia
  13. skin rashes due to hypersensitivity, athlete’s foot, and ringworm due hematoma

It may sound strange that Ganoderma has an inverse effect, i.e., it can both raise and lower blood pressure. Actually, because Ganoderma can harmonize body functions, increasing the natural healing ability of the body, it can strengthen the immune system, especially for the middle aged.

With Ganoderma, some people may experience reactions after beginning treatment. Some may have dizziness, weakness, or itching, or repeated defecation and urination. These are normal phenomena which indicate that the positive effects are beginning, by dissolving the stored toxicants and discharging them. Patients with diabetes may lose large amount of sugar, patients with rheumatism may have temporary intense pain. These phenomena are purely the normal, functional, adjustments within the body. It is nothing but the performance of its efficacy. According to one’s personal constitution, the reactions will disappear in a few days.

Since Ganoderma is a natural medicine, it can be used with other western drugs. Not only are there no adverse, it can also reduce the side effects of western drugs.

Cancer Cure

Ganoderma supports cancer treatment

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of modern times. It occurs in our body when, due to certain viruses , pollution, smoking , excessive drinking, unhealthy diet and exposure to chemicals , radiation and sunlight the growth of cells in our body gets out of control and they proliferate abnormally. Cells with this tendency are called malignant cells. Malignant cells can develop in any organ or tissue of human body. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the conventional ways of treating cancer.

With these methods cancer curing specialists try to destroy cancer cells. However while destroying cancer cells, such treatment also destroys many essential cells beneficial to human body such as

  • Macrophage
  • T-lymphocyte
  • White Blood Cells
  • Blood producing cells

Moreover, these methods weaken the immune system of our body and cause fatigue and loss of appetite. Once treatment stops, the remaining cancer cells may multiply back quickly when the body is weak. Thus these conventional ways are not without their side-effects. So, in case of cancer, the old saying applies: ‘prevention is better than cure’.

 Ganoderma in Cancer treatment

Often used as an immune stimulant by people with cancer, Ganoderma has been shown to strengthen immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation. In a 2003 study of 34 people with advanced-stage cancer, for instance, taking Ganoderma in supplement form three times daily for 12 weeks led to a significant increase in T-cells (known to play a central role in immune defense). Lab tests on breast cancer cells, meanwhile, found that combining extracts of Gnoderma and green tea heightened the mushroom’s ability to slow cancer-cell growth.

The anti-cancer agents in Ganoderma are the polysaccharides and Germanium. The polyshaccharide fraction of Ganoderma is largely responsible for its anti-tumor efficacy. Indications for Ganoderma use in cancer include supplementation

a) to reduce side-effects during chemotherapy or radiotherapy

b) to prolonging survival and minimize metastasis

c) to improve quality of life, and d) to prevent occurrence or recurrence.

The integral effects from Ganoderma consumption together with modern therapy provide promising results. Ganoderma not only helps in checking the growth of cancer but also mitigates the post-treatment side-effects of the modern ways of treating cancer. Therefore, cancer experts have begun to value the use of Ganoderma lucidum in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In this way, cancer cells are destroyed but human immune system remains safe and sound.
Thus, ganoderma can be used not only by cancer patients during chemotherapy or radiotherapy but can be taken as a measure to prevent cancer from occurring in the body.

Clinical researches have shown that the use of Ganoderma Lucidum with surgical removal, radio therapy, and chemo therapy are effective in improving the conditions of stomach cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovary cancer, uterus cancer and blood cancer (leukemia).

Today, it has become clearly evident that Ganoderma Lucidum can contribute in no small way to the treatment of cancer.  When used in combination with western medication, Ganoderma not only helps to achieve better therapeutic results. It also considerably reduced side effects caused by conventional medication.

Gastritis, Gastric ulcer, Duodenal ulcer, etc.

Pain from gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, etc., can be relieved immediately.

-Reported by Dr. Taro Tamura of Kinki University

We used Ganoderma in gastritis, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer treatment. The most interesting case was of a man, who had developed a gastric ulcer when he was young and which had recently returned.

Other medicines were in effective, but one week after beginning treatment with Ganoderma, his pain was significantly reduced. When the dosage was reduced, he felt pain once a day or almost no pain at all. He usually used an analgesic, but it seemed useless.

This treatment is also effective for gastric ulcer patients who suffer from chest pain, loss of appetite, and gastric ulcer patients who are fatigue and feeble. It can also help gastric cancer post-operative pain. Some patient’s color improved and they put on weight, little by little after taking Ganoderma.

Ganoderma protects the patients who overeat, or eat only one kind of food, or who are poisoned by food.

-Reported by Dr. Taro Tamura of Kinki University

It has surprising results in treating dysentery, constipation, gastric hyperacidity, and peptic ulcer. Its effects are equal to that of medicines now in common use. Dr. Shigeru Yuji also reported its high efficacy in treating gastritis and ulcers.

The main function of the stomach and the intestines is to absorb the required nutrients in food, the excrete the wastes before fermentation. People usually eat too much, or eat and imbalanced diet, or eat toxic foods, then their digestive organs are damaged Ganoderma can not only protect the organs but can improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

No need for the obese to go on starvation diets.

After World War II, people were poor and did not have enough food to eat. It was needless to care about obesity, for most people were very lean. Due to medical progress and improved economic conditions, contagious diseases and poverty are much less of a problem, while chronic diseases and different kinds of adult diseases are increasing.

It was found in our investigation that thin people who take Ganoderma can gain weight, and overweight people can lose weight. No matter how old or young, whether male or female, whatever one’s constitution is, Ganoderma can allow a person to maintain the optimal body weight and figure. Ganoderma will adjust the constitution and equalize biological functions if one takes it steadily.

Since Ganoderma can eliminate obesity, overweight people do not need to worry about their obese figures and the figure-conscious women do not need to suffer the pain ill effects of starvation diets and weight loss drugs.

Patients who have had surgery for Breast cancer, Colon cancer or Gastric cancer.

Taking Ganoderma together with chemotherapy may have significant results for patients who have had surgery for breast cancer, colon cancer or gastric cancer.

-Reported by Dr. Hiroshi Kawai of Kinki University

The Experiment subjects were patients who were treated improperly after surgery, and patients who were suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy

After a mastectomy and chemotherapy, one patient’s face become very dark.

After using Ganoderma for two month, the numbness significantly

Some patients used Ganoderma together with some herbal medicines for ten days after a colostomy. Night sweats disappeared and appetite improved.

In view of the above results, we can see that Ganoderma taken with chemotherapy can treat not only valuable auxiliary, but also reduce side effects of chemotherapy. 

Prevents cancer metastastis, relieves pain and can improve the chances for longevity.

Reported by Dr. Hiroshi Kawai of Kinki University

Ganoderma belongs to the Polyporacease of fungi family, and is believed to be an effective cancer treatment in Japan, China, the U.S.A., Canada, the U.S.S.R., and Scotland. Some medical specialists in different countries are using latest scientific instruments to do clinical tests, e.g., Prof. Ta-cheng. Medical College of the National Taiwan University: Prof. Cheng Hui-hua and Prof. Tung Ui-chi of Taipei Medical College. The experimental results have proved that Ganoderma is effective in cancer treatment. Information concerning Ganoderma in treating cancer from Research reposts is listed below.

  1. The anti- cancer components of Ganoderma are polysaccharides and germanium.
  2. Its efficacy is of additional efficacy and multiplicative efficacy. Taken separately, no effects can be obtained.
  3. It can strengthen stamina, elevate the immune system, and restrain cancer metatastis.
  4. After undergoing surgery, it is helpful to patients with cancers such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer, and uterine cancer.
  5. It can eliminate cancerous ascites, increase appetite and relive the pain of late stage cancer.
  6. It can be used together with other cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation, or combined with chemotherapy. It has no side effects and is effective.

Bases on the above clinical reports, we may see that is possesses cancer preventing, suppressing, and curing qualities.

Most of us may have dental carries, myopia or cancer tendencies when we are young, or they may develop at any time.  We should try our best to prevent them from occurring. If we want to prevent tooth decay, we should eat more calcium and avoid sweets. If we want to avoid myopia, we should eat more vitamin A and avoid eye fatigue. If we want to prevent cancer, we should eat Ganoderma and avoid imbalanced diet.

Menstrual cramps, Vertigo, Menopause disturbances, etc.

 Ganoderma is also effective in treating gynecological problems, such as menstrual cramps, vertigo, menopause disturbances, etc.

-Reported by Dr.Yoshinori Imanishi of the Imanish Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital.

The writer, who is an OB-GYN specialist, prescribed Ganoderma to women patients who had menstrual cramps, dizziness, irregular menstruation, menopause disturbances, and difficulty in becoming pregnant.

There were three cases, which had positive results. A 46-year old woman, took Ganoderma for one month when her dizziness and shoulder pain was relieved. A pregnant woman had tightness in her chest and no appetite. After treatment with Ganoderma her condition improved. One woman with a physiological disorder, was married for many years, but could not conceive. After taking Ganoderma for three months, she became pregnant. There are two cases where positive results were obtained from combining Ganoderma and herbal medicines. In the first case, abdominal pain was reduced.

Ganoderma can relieve postpartum symptoms, acting as a hemocatharsis, diuretic, and a detoxicant.

Ganoderma is a required medicine for the pregnant woman and parturient woman

-Reported by Dr.Yoshinori Imanishi of the Imanish Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital.

When a daughter becomes pregnant, her parents may wonder if it is safe to give Ganoderma. The expectant mother may become moody, especially if it is the first pregnancy. During pregnancy, women are quite sensitive to outer stimulation, both mentally and physically. Though it is a natural phenomena, most women have difficulty adapting.

During this period, taking Ganoderma may act as a hemocatharsis, a diuretic and as a detoxicant and will allow the fetus to develop normally. It is said that Ganoderma may help the woman who is uneasy to get pregnant, or who has had habitual abortion before. Prof. Kanata of Tohoku University believes that taking Ganoderma can strengthen sexual ability of both the male and the female intensifying the activity of spermatozoa and regulating ovulation of the female.

Information from the different sources reveals that Ganoderma may be thought of as the ‘friend of the female’. It should be considered a required medicine for women,

The Company Awards

HACCP Certificate

DXN Industries (M) Sdn Bhd has been accorded the HACCP Certificate by Ministry of Health Malaysia for its fulfillment of the terms and conditions for implementation of the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point).

Brands of the Year Award 2010

DXN Spirulina has been selected as the best food supplement in Pakistan and bestowed with the Brand of the Year Award 2010 by Pakistan Prime minister Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani (Country Manager Mr. Zarif Ahmed receives the award on behalf of DXN Pakistan).

DXN is Ranked as a top 40 Company

DXN is ranked as the Top 40 direct selling company worldwide in “DSN Global 100: The Top Direct Selling Companies in the World” by Direct Selling News (DSN), USA.

The Cosmetics, Toiletry and fragrance Association of Malaysia

DXN is a member of CTFA, an association works to promote trust and confidence in the personal care industry and to ensure that regulation are competitive and internationally harmonized.

Outstanding Management

DXN has been awarded the Direct Selling Award for Outstanding Management at the Direct Selling Festival (Middle East) held Dubai in April 2009.

Certificates on Good Manufacturing Practices for Traditional Medicine

Accorded to PT. Daxen Indonesia by the National Agency for Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia on 1 August 2008.

Most Outstanding Participant

DXN has been selected as the “MOST OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANT” in the First Direct Selling Festival (Middle East) held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai from 17th to 18th May 2008.

Technological and Quality (New Millennium Award

The Trade Leaders’ Club and Editorial Office certify that DXN Holdings Bhd., DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. And DXN industries (M) Sdn. Bhd. have been awarded the 28th International Award for Technology and Quality (New Millennium Award) for its trajectory and business excellence.

Malaysian Organic Scheme

The Lingzhi farm of DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. Has been accorded “Malaysian Organic Scheme” certificate for its compliance with the standard conditions set by the national organic standard.

MSC Malaysian Status Certificate

DXN Solutions is now a MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) status company in Malaysia, awarded by Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

MS ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate of Accreditation

The Laboratory Department of DXN Holdings Bhd. has been accorded “MS ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate of Accreditation” for its technical competence, defined scope and operation of a laboratory quality management system.

Asia Pacific Super Excellent Brands & Design Book Records 2006

DXN Holdings Bhd. Has been awarded the “Asia Pacific Super Excellent Book of Record 2006” for its outstanding achievements, excellent services and quality products.

The 2nd Super Excellent Master Award of Direct Sales 2005

Accorded to DXN Holdings Bhd. for its outstanding performance in the development of innovative marketing strategies, good business practices and effective planning.

Most Outstanding Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company

DXN International Private Limited(Philippines) has been awarded as the “Most Outstanding Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company” under Health Care Category” by the Awards and Recognition Association of Philippines (ARAP) and BIZ business Today Magazine during the “2004 Buyer’s Choice Awards” ceremonies

Top Innovative Marketing Company of the Year

In view of the significant contributions of DXN International Private Limited (Philippines) in the general welfare of the Filipino consumers, it has been recognized as “Top Innovative Marketing Company of the year” during the 2004 Year Ender Excellence Awards.

5th Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise- Keris Award 2006

Accorded to DXN Holdings Bhd. For its good reputation and credibility among the MLM industry, DXN has been commended for its company’s vision and mission, innovation and strategies, effective human resources management, operation efficacy, and quality products.

ISO 14001

Accorded to DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. in recognition of its efficacy in managing its production with regard to environment conservation.

ISO 9001

Accorded to DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. for its compliance and systematic, well-documented procedure throughout production, installation, and services.

Direct Selling Association of Malaysia

DSAM is a 25 year-old organization in Malaysia that seeks to establish a fair code of ethics among direct-selling companies and also to protect the rights of consumers. DXN is proud to be enlisted as one of its 66 members. This membership affirms the company’s long-term commitment to the business and its consumers.

Certificate of Authentication Halal

DXN products are certified HALAL by the Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) for consumption by our Muslim friends. This certification attest to DXN’s commitment and sensitivity to the specific need of its consumers.

GMP Certificate of Manufacturing Facility from TGA, Australia

Accorded to DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. for its high quality, safe, efficacious and availability of products, which fulfill all the requirements as stipulated in the Australian Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Accorded to DXN Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. by National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, Ministry of Health Malaysia for its compliance to the current Good Manufacturing Practice.