

-by Dr. Lim Siow Jin

What is Ganotherapy?

—Ganotherapyis a holistic (whole body) approach to alternative complementary medicine.

—It consists of four (4) observation theories used to explain how Ganoderma or Red Mushrooms support the human body to overcome health problems on its own.

Lingzhi helps our body to fight disease, because it balances and puts the body back in order by cleansing  toxins that has accumulated through the years. As a result, it fights diseases and heals itself in the process. Therefore, our body becomes its own healer. (Best doctor) because of the natural immune system.

Lingzhi addresses  almost all problems regarding health  in this modern times.

Four observation theories of Ganotherapy by Dr. Lim Siow Jin

1. Illnesses are caused by 2 sources: TOXINS in our body and DISHARMONY in body functions.


Air : smoking, second hand smoke, motor vehicle emissions. (lung cancer)

Food: food coloring (linked to ADHD), burned meat, fast foods, too much sweets (diabetes,) alcohol consumption, contaminated with pesticides.

Water: contaminated water

  • —Toxins in our body- Anything in excess or not needed by the body are toxins.
  • virus, bacteria, dust, smoke, bad cholesterol,
  • —contaminants from unfiltered drinking water,
  • —pesticides absorbed by fruits & vegetables,
  • —chemicals from toxic products and environment, etc.
—(Taking Ganoderma regularly eliminates the stored toxins in the body.)
—DISHARMONY in body functions – if the body is not functioning as it should, the body is in a state of IMBALANCE. This can be caused by stress, over-fatigue (lack of sleep or rest), lack of nutrients, physical trauma or injury that affect body organs and systems not to function properly causing untoward signs and symptoms

Just like the TOXINS, an IMBALANCE of the body or any of its organs (heart, brain, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas, etc.) can be  traced down to their cells, in which organs are made of. If there are cell imbalances, the body will have health problems.

2.  Ganoderma supports the body while the body takes care of its own.

3.  Any “reaction” that takes place is not caused by Ganoderma. It is caused by the body’s improving immune system reacting (during the natural healing process) to its disease.

4. The dosage of Ganoderma taken is irrelevant to disease. The “correct” dose of Ganotherapy is that which works for you.