Components of Ganoderma

Important components of Ganoderma

Organic germanium(GE):

this can increase the oxygen absorbed by the blood up to 1.5 times: can promote metabolism: and prevent tissue degeneration. According to the research of Dr. Kazuhiko Asai, Ganoderma contains 800-2000 p.p.m. of germanium. This 4-6 times more than ginseng.


this can improve the body’s immune system, and eliminate viruses. Japanese pharmaceutical companies have refined it to medical quality and it has been approved by the Koseisho Health Department in Japan for insurance medicine.


Triterpenes are natural steroids found in a wide variety of plants, insects and animals. They are nature’s way to deal with inflammation effectively. Ganoderma Triterpenes have anti-inflammatory and calming effects. In addition, Ganoderma triterpenes improve liver functions and blood pressure.

Superoxide Dismutase

Super Dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme with anti-wrinkle and anti-aging properties, found in nearly all green vegetables. It repairs cells and reduces the damage done to them. It acts as Both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body, neutralizing the free radicals that can cause wrinkles. This enzyme is being used in many anti-wrinkle products. Ganoderma increases the level of SOD in human body and restores its youthfulness.

With these and other nutriceutical components, Ganoderma can bring wonderful healing effects to human body. It is something which modern man needs to stay healthy because his life is threatened by pollution, unhealthy food habits, drugs and stressful work schedules. In this situation, such cure-all herbs as Ganoderma lucidum can make a difference

Its bitter taste

It is under constant study by the Japanese medical and pharmaceutical fields. The efficacy is a result of the interrelation of germanium and polysaccharides. Some plants may contain one or the other, but Ganoderma is much more effective. The combination of components is different from other plants and all of the components must be preserved to insure efficiency.