Reaction and temporary reactions of Ganoderma

Ganoderma Reactions
  1. Symptoms disappear.
  2. Feel energetic
  3. Appetite increases, but body weight stabilizes.
  4. Sleep more deeply and soundly. Sleeping hours will be reduced but will wake refreshed.
  5. Improve elimination.

Temporary Reactions

Some people may experience temporary negative reactions after taking this herb for a few days. This is more obvious for those with serious chronic illnesses. And this is the most misunderstood aspect of this herb.

“The opposition effect reaction”:

A concept in Chinese medicine: the symptoms will become worse before they become better, because the causes of the diseases are being eliminated. After taking Ganoderma for three days, slight opposition effect reaction may result. It is not side effect. Please continue to use. It is just a result of its efficacy and the reaction will be diffetent for each individual.

Not everyone will experiencethis reaction, as it depends on the amounts of toxins in the body that are being eliminated. In general, one who has a hypertensive constitution, or who takes large amounts of chemical drugs will easily have such a reaction.

Sometimes, uriticaria may appear on the face or the body, or even in the mouth. Also one may have edema, diarrhea, stomachache, fever tinnitus, blood pressure variation and increased excertion. These are not side effects. Do not worry. Continue to use. The symptoms will lessen or disappear ver soon.

Some phenomena resulting from herbal medicine or alimentary therapeutics are considered as side effect of the drug. Actually when these symptoms occur the disease will be cured gradually. Someone even emphasized, “No opposition effect reaction, no cure.”


  1.  When an acidic constitution changes to an alkaline one, the toxic substances within the body are being discharged. At this moment, different reactions will appear, generally within 3-10 days. Symptoms vary from one to another for some they may be light, for other they may be more severe. It depends on one’s constitution. Then the symptoms have disappeared, one may feel very comfortable and energetic.
  2.  When the body constitution is acidic, blood will be turbid. Diseases will appear in different organs. Be sure you do not develop an acidic body constitution.

When a reaction is severe, the following symptoms could occur:

     Acidic constitution

  • Very sleepy, even in the day time
  •  Thirsty and dry mouth
  • Urination at night, after gas passage. 
     3.  For the following diseases, these reactions may occur only in the short period of                 time:
  •            Hypertension:  heaviness in the head which may last for 1-2 weeks.
  •                    Anemia:  nosebleeds for women.
  • Gastric disturbances:  heat in the chest, poor appetite
  •            Gastric ulcer:  pain
  •            Gastroptosis:  heavy feeling in the stomach, hiccough
  •            Enteropathy:  diarrhea
  •           Hepatopathy:   hiccough or vomiting
  • Cirrhosis of the liver:  blood stool
  •          Renal disease:  protein level may suddenly drop, slight edema in the face
  •                 Diabetes:  blood sugar may rise, slight edema in the hands and feet
  •           Hemorrhoids:  bleeding may occur occasionally

Occurence of “Opposition Effect” Reaction

  1. Nine out of ten patients may have this reaction.
  2. Patients who have this reaction will have faster results from Ganoderma.
  3. Length of reactions: a light reaction may last 2-5 days: severe one, 7-30 days.
  4. If the reaction is serious, reduce the dosage or see a doctor to relieve the symptoms first, then continue to use until the reaction has been eliminated.
  5. Some may experience the reaction 3-10 days after beginning treatment with Ganoderma. Some may  have the reaction 2-3 months later. The reaction is not limited to one experience only, unless the disease had been completely cured.

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