Q & A

Questions and Answers about Ganoderma

Q:  I am feeling hot flashes

A:  Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses)  to help eliminate TOXINS in the body and and eat fruits and vegetables with a high Vitamin C content to assist in the natural detoxification process. Remember to continue using Lingzhi.

Q: I am experiencing discomfort (as the body eliminates toxins.)

A: Reduce the daily intake by half.

Q: Why do I have to take both RG and GL?

A: RG and GL should be taken together for maximum results.

Q:  I am taking medication, can I take RG/GL?

A:  If you are taking medications, please continue to do so and consult with your medical practitioner to monitor your health, particularly those with blood pressure and blood sugar concerns. Only reduce your medications under the advice of a qualified health professional.

Q: What is my dosage?

A:  You may need to vary the daily intake depending on your state of health, constitution, or particular needs.  However, ganoderma is best taken in the morning with an empty stomach. Drinking more water will also help enhance the effects of Ganoderma by helping the body get rid of poisonous waste.

Q. Can I take ganoderma with my other medications

A. Yes. Ganoderma is a natural health supplement and there are no reported contraindications in over 2,000 years of study. Just leave a gap of one hour apart between taking medicines and Ganoderma herb.

Cancer patient can consume Ganoderma together with chemo therapy or radio therapy. Just leave one to two hours between taking Ganoderma and the therapy.

 Q. Can I stop my prescription medicines?

A.  No. You must continue your existing medication as prescribed by doctor. Do not discontinue any form of medication without doctor’s instruction.